Thursday, December 1, 2011

Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.

My pool-sister Agnese, the birthday kid and my eat-buddy Nellie. 
I made 16 Cupcakes a la Yvonne! Gone gone gone.... 
Apple pie a la Nellie. Thank you, babe! 
Fat camp? Noooopp... Never heard about it! 
Picnic on my rooftop. Look how hungry Nellie and Agnese are. Gosh, girls... Easy! 
Its good to turn 20, again! I am gonna turn 19 next year and you are invited.  
We needed a break after the lunch... Time for a siesta! 
Ready for round 2
I don't know who these random people are. Ooo check out  my tan! 

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